Have you heard of scrum? Scrum is an agile development
methodology often used to develop software. You can read the Wikipedia
definition HERE,
since they say it better than I could. I also read an interesting post about
this called: Agile PM is not
Just for Software Projects Anymore.
It has been shown that the scrum methodology promotes transparency
and provides greater accountability so that projects get done faster with
greater innovation. It sounds a little unnerving, but those who use it in their
software development environments have a flexible process that readily supports
change. The image below attempts to show this more clearly.

Once the sprint is complete there are more meetings and more scrums until everyone is happy. When you add in multiple sprints, the process continues until a new innovative software deliverable is ejected out the other end. The whole process makes developing software a much more transparent and flexible activity. The approach assures that what needs to get done is getting done, that changes are accommodated, and that those in charge always know the status of work in process.
The reason I bring this up is that I have recently heard of
several engineering product development companies using scrum principles for
engineering. In one case they started it as a test, and as more groups saw how successful it was, other groups started using it. I think there is a
lot of potential using this type of methodology for product development.
The standard engineering product development process is
often filled with long meetings that don’t really accomplish anything. Engineers
do not like to explain what they are doing to people, and often do not want to
display their activities until late in the design process. Once they finally release something, it requires a prolonged change process. Wouldn’t it
be nice to skip some of those late changes by talking them out early in the
design process?
I think some of these agile development methodologies could
have a very good impact on product development. I am in favor of
improving transparency and collaboration in support of more innovative
products. I think this would potentially lead to better products with higher
quality that get to market faster.
What do you think?